Does $100 Down to Hire A Bankruptcy Attorney Really Help?
Bankruptcy is a competitive practice area for attorneys. Clients are understandably without financial means, new bankruptcy attorneys are graduating every year and bankruptcy petition preparers charge only a few hundred dollars to “fill in the blanks” on Official Bankruptcy Forms. With so much competition some bankruptcy attorneys advertise “no money down” or “retain for only
Read MoreThe Chapter 13 Solution to Foreclosure
Filing bankruptcy is never anyone’s first option for avoiding foreclosure, but with an impending Trustee’s sale chapter 13 bankruptcy may be the most effective way to stop the sale and save the home. The filing of a chapter 13 bankruptcy petition creates an automatic stay against collection actions including the execution of a Trustee’s sale.
Read MoreAre Cheap Bankruptcy Attorneys Bad Bankruptcy Attorneys?
I recently gave a new client in Sonoma County a big discount on his chapter 7 bankruptcy. Like so many clients he was living paycheck-to-paycheck. He didn’t have a lot of money but he needed to file bankruptcy right away. He had been calling bankruptcy attorneys for months trying to find someone who could work with
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A few words from Michael Benavides
Michael Benavides is a contract attorney for Sacramento Law Group. Mr. Benavides regularly represents clients in chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy. Why take a chance when considering and pay twice the attorney fees for the same thing? In fact I will say we can provide you better service than anyone else and, our fees,
Read MoreCan Your Lender Repossess Your Car In Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Before 2005’s BAPCPA debtors could bring themselves current on their car loan, file bankruptcy, continue payments, and keep their car, both during bankruptcy and after their discharge, so long as they didn’t miss a payment without reaffirming the debt or redeeming the property. But post-BAPCPA, can you file bankruptcy in California and keep your car without signing
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