How Ch 13 is different than Ch 7
How Chapter 13 is different than Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Chapter 13 bankruptcy is far more complex than chapter 7 bankruptcy. In chapter 7 bankruptcy non-exempt assets are sold with the proceeds given to creditors in a certain order. In chapter 13 bankruptcy debts are reorganized and repaid in whole or in part over 3
Read MoreWage Garnishment and Bankruptcy in Sacramento CA
How Bankruptcy Can Fix Your Wage Garnishment A wage garnishment occurs when a judgment creditor sends a wage garnishment order to your employer requiring your employer to withhold a certain percentage of your wages and remit that percentage to the judgment creditor. Usually, before a creditor can garnish your wages they must get a judgment
Read More3 FAQs received by bankruptcy attorneys in Sacramento
The Big 3 Bankruptcy FAQs Bankruptcy is a complicated process involving Title 11 of the United States Code. When you file chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy you are relinquishing control of your property to the bankruptcy estate, and whether you will get to keep certain property will depend upon the correct application of California
Read MoreCan I Eliminate Medical Bills in Bankruptcy?
You Can Eliminate Medical Bills in Bankruptcy Medical bills generally represent unsecured debt. Unsecured debt does not have property “securing” the debt itself, meaning that in the event of default the creditor cannot seize and sell the specific piece of property which “secures” the debt. Unsecured debt is generally discharged in chapter 7 bankruptcy. Once
Read MoreCan I Use Bankruptcy To Eliminate Credit Card Debt?
Question: Can Bankruptcy Eliminate My Credit Card Debt? In short, yes. Chapter 7 bankruptcy can eliminate unsecured debts, and most credit card debt is unsecured. Some credit card debts qualify as secured debt, but this is rare. Most credit card debt is unsecured and subject to discharge in chapter 7 bankruptcy. There are some reasons
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