Filing chapter 7 bankruptcy can be expensive. Most people who turn to chapter 7 bankruptcy for debt relief have little money to spend on attorneys and courses. Nevertheless, most people need to hire a bankruptcy attorney to receive a discharge. This is because filing bankruptcy involves the application of Title 11 of the United States Code (the […]
Blaming Concealed Assets on Your Bankruptcy Attorney Won’t Work
Concealed Assets? Blaming it on your Bankruptcy Attorney Will Not Work Against the advice of their bankruptcy attorney some clients try to conceal assets in bankruptcy. Despite the clear instruction from their attorney to disclose all assets in bankruptcy, the reminder that concealing assets in bankruptcy may constitute a bankruptcy crime, and the Section 342(b) notice […]
Voluntarily Giving Up Your Car In Bankruptcy Can Save You Money
Many clients turn to chapter 7 bankruptcy because they are behind on car payments. Fortunately, chapter 7 bankruptcy gives clients the power to eliminate car loans and simply walk away from their vehicle. Outside of bankruptcy a lender will eventually repossess your car if you fall behind on payments. After they repossess your car they will […]
Surrendering Property & The Means Test
Some clients must pass the means test before they can file chapter 7 bankruptcy. Clients whose annualized current monthly income exceeds the state median for a household of their size must perform the long version of the test. To pass the client will supply evidence of certain monthly expenses which can be deducted from their […]
The Chapter 7 Filing Fee
An Additional $306 Expense The chapter 7 bankruptcy filing fee in the Eastern District of California, Sacramento Division is $306. This expense is usually borne by the client and not the attorney. Some clients Google the issue for 10 minutes and think (even insist) they qualify for a filing fee waiver. After all, they are unemployed, a […]